Committee meeting (remote option)
Summit County Council
Monday, March 24, 2025
4:30 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. EDT
* Every 2 weeks on Monday
175 S Main St Akron, OH 44308 (Directions)
Ohio Building, 7th floor - County Council Chambers
Summit County Council committees meet every other week and move consecutively. Not all committees meet every time, only those that have business to discuss. There are nine committees and they do different things:
1. Committee of the Whole: Consists of all eleven (11) Members of County Council. Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation and policy issues of interest to the entire Council.
2. Finance Committee: Reviews and makes recommendations concerning all annual budgets, except the budgets for DJFS, DD, ADAM and CSB. Reviews legislation concerning county debt, including bond and note legislation, changes in taxation and fees, except fees relating to the Department of Environmental Services, the Veteran Service Commission, and other matters relating to the financial position of the County.
3. Health & Human Services : Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning the County Department of Job and Family Services (DJFS), including the annual DJFS budget, appropriations and transfers, capital improvements, and interaction with the federal and state governments and the delivery of services. Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation relating to the Summit Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD), the Summit County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services Board (ADM) and the Summit County Children Services Board (CSB) including the annual budgets of these agencies.
4. Long-Term Planning: Establishing a shared direction and focus for the County in order to improve the integration and coordination of internal activities, allocation of resources, and delivery of services to residents; identify emerging trends in county government; review and measure the progress of meeting major long-term goals and objectives as a chartered county; and to establish Council’s annual legislative agenda.
5. Personnel & Intergovernmental: Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation relating to County personnel procedures and practices, including the classification, compensation, recruitment, training and discipline of employees and legislation relating to collective bargaining. Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning governmental entities, community merger issues, incorporation issues, Community Development Block Grant Projects and Solid Waste Disposal proposals. Reviews and makes recommendations regarding Executive appointments to boards, agencies, commissions and authorities pursuant to Section 2.03 of the Summit County Charter.
6. Planning, Buildings, & Economic Development : Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning master plans for the County, subdivision regulations, building codes, and other regulations of private development, annexations, plats, road dedications, road vacations, construction of County buildings, transfer or lease of real property by or for the County, except those relating to the DJFS or DOES. Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning the Port Authority, Enterprise Zone Agreements, Department of Building Standards, internal revenue bonds, utilities, Northeast Ohio Joint Office of Economic Development, Northeast Ohio Trade & Economic Consortium, Northeast Ohio Four-County Regional Planning & Development Organization and the Community Improvement Corporation.
7. Public Safety & Justice: Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning safety, requests for liquor permits, traffic, fire protection, courts, probation, public defender services, regulation of hazardous materials, public protection, consumer protection, animal control, public health, wireless communications, domestic violence, community based corrections facilities, medical examiner, emergency management and issues relating to the County Sheriff, the Clerk of Courts and the County Prosecutor.
8. Public Works: Reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning water, sewer and other Department of Environmental Services (DOES) projects and fees, and projects of the County Engineer, including roads, bridges, storm drains and ditching projects, as well as the purchase or lease of equipment by these departments, and the construction or lease of facilities for or by these departments in accordance with established purchase procedures.
9. Rules: Reviews rules and procedures of Council; reviews proposed charter amendments; reviews legislation and makes recommendations on legislation relating to lawsuits and other matters posing special legal or procedural questions; reviews and makes recommendations on legislation amending the Codified Ordinances.
Check the source website for additional information