Return to [remote or in-person] Chicago City Council
Live reporting by Pachina Fletcher
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Deaths of former Alder William Beavers and civil rights activist Jose Cha Cha Jimenez are acknowledged

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The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Alderman elected from each of the 50 wards in the city.
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The meeting started at 10:22 am with roll call. There were 42 Alderman present and 1 was present remotely. There was enough for a quorum.
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The community had an opportunity for Public comment. Each person had 3 minutes to speak. Ms Fernandez a resident of Jefferson Park. She urged the city council to vote no on the ordinance to dismiss Chicago as a Sanctuary City.
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Jody Wecker mentioned about Fur Farming. Many of the animals are abused and mistreated..They spread diseases to each other and to humans.
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There was a representative of Chicago Conservative. He said that Mayor Johnson doesn't care about the Black community. He cares more about the immigrants than the residents that have lived here for years. Democrats have never done anything for the Black community.
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Jordan Kelly is a resident of the 30th Ward. Representative of Chicago Cares. And is against mass deportation .And believes Chicago should stay a Sanctuary City.
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The City Council passed several resolutions during the meeting. Holocaust Rememberance Day was passed. Jan 30 several Alderman and community members will be visiting the Illinois Holocaust museum in Skokie.
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Several Alderman spoke about the importance of the museum and history of the Jewish community. Everyone should visit so that history will not be repeated.
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The Council passed a Resolution for Former Alderman William Bill Beavers. His family was in attendance. Alderman Mitchell and Irving had remarks.
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Mr.. Beavers was a Founding Member of the Aldermanic Black Caucus. He was the Alderman for the 7th Ward for over 40 years.
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A resolution was presented by Jesse Fuentes the Alder person of the 26th Ward. Which has the largest Puerto Rican population in the city of Chicago.
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They honored Jose Cha Cha Jimenez. He was a civil rights activist .Cha Cha organized a multiracial organization connecting all disenfranchised groups in the city.
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In 1974 he challenged the Democratic party by running as Alderman. And organized the Hispanic population to elect the first Black mayor of Chicago Harold Washington.
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I had to stop watching the Council meeting at 12 noon. When I left it was still going on.