Live reporting by
Cary Robbins
Committee approved amendment allowing indoor urban farm operations in former office spaces to increase use of building spaces left vacant in the downtown shopping district after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters. The meeting is set to start at 10 a.m.
08:41 AM Oct 29, 2024 CDT

The meeting will begin shortly. There an overload of participants who want to testify today. An announcement was made that no more people will be able to testify at today’s meeting.

The @UrbanEnviroIL, a grassroots organization that advocates for housing and land use policy reform, have posted what they are most interested in hearing about during this meeting. Read more below.

@UrbanEnviroIL The meeting is in recess for 20 minutes as one attendee is being escorted out of the meeting due to his disturbance, according to Ald. Walter Burnett of the 27th Ward. He has asked officers to escort him out.

@UrbanEnviroIL The meeting is now beginning. The attendee was able to stay during the meeting. Here is the agenda for today's meeting: … ……

@UrbanEnviroIL Public comment begins now. Jessica Jackson asks why private citizens' property is not being restored, saying people want to restore their own houses and pass down their property to future generations.

@UrbanEnviroIL Chris White, who works with the alliance in the Southeast, and started by saying 'if the neighbors don't eat, nobody eats." He says that people who are being directly affected by the North Lakeshore Drive construction do not know what will go into the air.

@UrbanEnviroIL "We cannot risk the drinking water for 6 states," White said. He explained how construction like this in other states has affected drinking water.

@UrbanEnviroIL One woman, who lives in the 36th ward, said the lot next to her house is being transformed from a residential to commercial parking lot. She said that this comes after the city made many perviously residential parking into commercial parking in her neighborhood.

@UrbanEnviroIL The agenda begins now. @ChicagoDPD talks about Michigan Avenue Special Sign District Proposed Zoning Code Revisions, explaining what building signs on buildings located on Michigan Avenue will be accepted.

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD Dan Clybourn with @ChicagoDPD asks for funds deposited in the Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark fund be used to support restoration of buildings, structures, works of art, or other "Chicago Landmarks."

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD 35th Ward Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa passes all the ordinances for his ward, saying his community has called for support of public housing.

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD Other City Council members are hesitant to approve these ordinances without more communication with community members and owners.

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD .@35th_Ward said he will talk with his colleges more before the ordinances are officially passed.

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD @35th_Ward Update about the meeting: Ordinance NO. 22542-T1 is now being discussed. We are about halfway through the agenda. All but the above 35th ward ordinances have been passed so far.

@UrbanEnviroIL @ChicagoDPD @35th_Ward Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. This concludes the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for December 17, 2024. For more meeting coverage, check out .