Return to Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearings (Day 4, Part II)
Live reporting by Keith Yurgionas
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Staffing concerns at the Health Department, more help for the Safe Routes initiative

Documenter_Keith @DocumenterK
Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Friday, Feb 19, 2021, Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearings (Day 4, Part I) starting at 9:00 AM for #CLEDocumenters
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle

09:25 AM Feb 19, 2021 CST

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If you're just tuning in and want a refresher read Cleveland Documenters' Cleveland’s Budget - A Primer…
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Catching up?

Review Day 1's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021
Day 1, Part II Afternoon Session…
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Catching up?

Review Day 2's Morning Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021
Day 2, Part I Morning Session…
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Catching up?

Review Day 2's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021
Day 2, Part II Afternoon Session…
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Catching up?

Review Day 3's Morning Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021
Day 3, Part II Morning Session…
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Catching up?

Review Day 3's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021
Day 3, Part II Afternoon Session

Stream -
Note: full day, jump to around 4 hour point for Afternoon…
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Join us and watch Day 4's Morning and Afternoon Session of Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing,
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The General Fund Budget Hearings are annual meetings in which the City Council (the city Legislature) reviews the Mayor's (the city Executive) proposed budget, which is known as the "2021 Mayor's Estimate."

The budget can be accessed here,…
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Tip: If you're at a computer, split your screen between the budget and the stream so you can jump to the page they are referencing throughout the Council's Finance meeting.

It's a great resource to hand on hand, page 1 of the Budget (PDF page 7), details how to read it:
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Day 4's agenda may be accessed here,…
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The Council's Finance Committee went live at 9:00 AM and immediately pass an emergency ordinance 70-2021,…
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Finance Committee then transitioned into continuing their review of the Mayor's Estimate budget proposal by starting with a review the budget of the Civil Service Commission, po. 112-115
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Michael Spreng, Secretary of the Civil Service Commission is present and reviews the office, its proposed budget, 2020, and 2021.
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The Civil Service Commission is partially responsible for hiring practices for all seeking employment in the city, this includes law enforcement.
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While reviewing activities of the office, Secretary Spreng mentions they've introduced affidavits that asks law enforcement candidates if they've lived in the city for at least 12 months and will be introducing a text messages program
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In the Division of Fire, Civil Service Commission introduced a new physical exam test and a mandatory requirement of attendance of minimum of two practice sessions.
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Generally, the Commission has sought to create a deliberate, collaborative, and intentional approach to hiring.

On 2020, Secretary Spreng stated, "Limited hiring [due to pandemic] has seen limited changed."
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Ward 13's Council Member Kelly enquires about the changes in Contractual Services from 2019 to 2020 to 2021.

Secretary Spreng answered the contractual services are primary testing services from outside vendors.
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Ward 8's Council Member Mike Polensek is present and asks,

"As pertains to any test for a civil service possession, are the testing lists available for review?"

Sec Spreng answers, "Yes, ... any lists you want to see you are free to do so."
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Ward 17's Council Member Charles Slife is present and states that historically Civil Service Commissions were created to allow for equitable access to careers. "That is the fundamental goal."
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Council Member Charles Slife enquires about the certifications of lists,

"If a list has expired, but has been certified are we able to hire from the certified-but-expired list?"

Sec Spreng, "Certified candidates are able to be hired in the interim even if a list has expired."