Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

601 Lakeside Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)

Room 516

Meeting will be live-streamed on Youtube:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Leslie Bednar

Panel votes to remand to the city a duplex in disrepair

Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford

Panel votes to remand to the city a duplex in disrepair

Linetta Crutcher

Greetings #Cleveland on this morning I am covering the board of #BuildingStandards for @cledocumenters it appears that the owner of the property is not taking care of this garage! Remanded back to the city..

09:16 AM Dec 8, 2021 CST

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Next on the agenda request to continue a few times .. it appears that the owner and her son are on the call. This was because of criminal arson in July.
Insurance is dragging but no permits have been pulled according to Christopher the owners son

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Cleveland law department asking about the insurance settlement. Money is sent to the city according to Patricia McGinty Aston. Board members are willing to extend more time, but no more than 180 days to get the work done.. 6/2022
Its approved.

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Its been suggested to send the insurance company the notice to alert them of the project

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Next on the docket agenda is the property on the west side in #Cleveland unmute is the issue for the witness in this case.. Maurice Reulens tried to assist

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West 32nd street is being moved to because of the technical difficulties of the prior case.. Building and Housing and the attorney for the owner. Needs 90 days for repairs

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No objections to giving them until June 10, 2022 to correct the same.. board has approved

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Next on the agenda is being called with no appellant

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It appears that the structure was done in the method of demolition. Someone is also having technical problems also

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Notice is being closed but confused about the method.. private demolition

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Board members move to give time for finalizing the parcel

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No permit for this case in the house on the West side… more issues. They said that the owners were notified properly Aston asked about the methods and the board is proceeding to the rental property after swearing in

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Remanded back to the department of Building and Housing by vote of the board

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Technology is allowing the owner to speak but the echo is prevailing.. she believes that she is logged in twice.

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This structure is in Ward 15 the owner requests additional time for the exterior work.

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There is no share mode for the Meeting. Asked for the time period, she said one month depends on weather..

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Owner is dealing with the property after an accident and gets help from her son.. the board has no problem with 90 days to abate issues from the Building and Housing department

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Heather Lazar from ward 15 is opposed to extensions.. questions the appropriate paperwork for renting being issued while the property is in this condition

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Question asked about permits pulled it appears it was not.. Robert Mascke suggests remanding to help the owner

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As noted there’s no electricity issue with the property

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Motion to remand to the city.
T Vanover advised that the owner is out of compliance and can go farther to criminal activity

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Robert Maschke FAIA supports turning it back to the city. Ms Gartland says mail was delayed. But Mr Maschke disagrees

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Mr Gallagher is asking for the board’s approval. Maurice Reulens and Aston are requesting to see the improvement

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Owner is having trouble sharing.. the request for mailing was made

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Cleveland Planning states several times the owner has been given

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Gallagher asks for the board’s decision

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The owner is having trouble getting work done on her own property and her neighbor is too.. Gallagher is reassuring the owner of the process.

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The property is remanded to the building and housing department. The owner wants to know if she needs to get an attorney? Aston said that is her right..

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Motion made to adopt minutes are approval for last month’s meeting

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The Meeting is adjourned

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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to
Or email us at

Until the next time!

Agency Information

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commissioner of Building and Housing, or any other administrative official or agency of the City, relating to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code of the City of Cleveland.

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